Cho Cho Pineapple

Cho Cho Pineapple- $10
Ingredients: Organic: Cho Cho, Pineapple & Love

Pineapple juice is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals. It’s especially packed with manganese, copper, vitamin B6, and vitamin C — all of which play important roles in the proper functioning of your body.

Coupled with the benefits of Cho Cho

Rich In Nutrients
Vitamin C, B9 Folate, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6
Managanase, Copper, Zinc, Potassium, Magnesium
Contains Potent Antioxidants
Myricetin That Fights Disease
Promotes Heart Health
Promotes Good Blood Sugar
Support A Healthy Pregnancy
Slows Visible Signs Of Aging
Support Liver Function
Support Good Digestive Health
Aids In Weight Loss
This Magical Fruit Is Low In Calories But Packed With Fiber, Antioxidants, And Essential Nutrients.

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